Monday, December 15, 2008

Jingle Ball 2008 for The New York Times

Katy Perry is just so much fun, love her. Jingle Ball is always a fun show to shoot. One of my favorite moments that didn't get into the review was this shot of Bruce Springsteen backstage, taking a picture of Brody Jenner posing with one of Bruce's daughter's and her friends. It's the superstar as regular dad/fan.

Full review here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nachtmystium for The New York Times 12/10/2008

This show was supposed to start at 12pm. Late enough for a Sunday night show I would say....out in Williamsburg...on a freezing night.
Instead it started at 2am. Thing is the band was so good that I ended up really enjoying the show and staying till the end. I got hom at about 3:30.
Full review ;